Audio overload side by side
Audio overload side by side


And they want to increase the viewing numbers? That’s a laugh. – In F1, 2, 3, W-Series and a couple others, you’re in the dark as to who’s who, where on track and in which position, unless you know all the car-/drivernumbers by heart. Care to also show what the ‘local time’ currently is then please? Fools. – “Session resumes at 14:25 local time.” Great. How the hell is it possible that sound quality of board radio messages is so utterly poor? Why are some written out (see previous remark) where others aren’t? Want to be inclusive? Race as one? Then start thinking about people that don’t hear well. And it’s not the color combination F1 is using. – Ask any starting graphics designer which text color shows best on what background color, and you’ll get the same answer with all of them. To me, the main annoyances are, but in no particular order:

audio overload side by side

Well, you can tell I’m miserable about what Liberty have done to the sport…. Then when they showed a replay of the start, you heard no cheer, indicating that it literally was just inserted into the live feed that in reality makes it well – less live. I remember at the start of the Saudi Arabian grand prix, you could here that whoever it was had accidentality pressed the “cheer button” twice close together and the sound overlapped and sounded totally wrong. Sometimes when they are not even successful. They do it on even the most simple of overtakes at times. Almost every race there has been this painfully repeated, overplayed pre-recorded crowed cheer. Not that this is to do with graphics, but the amount of audio tweaks in the past 2 years (especially this year) have been dreadful. In a similar way to how overkill the Miami Grand Prix was. I think Liberty Media are just trying too hard to supposedly make it better and failing. I just find it so frustrating to think that it would in fact be so easy to read if they used smaller, less space consuming and simpler font and then it would be fine! I find it so challenging to read the huge numbers at times. They make it such a bizarre shape (sort of like a pyramid?) -getting narrower towards the top. They have got it well placed to use the area that is blocked by it, but the choice of font that they use on the road ahead of the car in my opinion is absolutely horrendous. Maybe others think it is cool, but i find some of the onboard halo graphics too much as well.


Now they show this on almost every replay when just one driver is involved and constantly end up having to show more replays later on because of the extra time they waste. What is the point of this? What is wrong with a small thumbnail of their face like they used to have while using the time effectively and showing it during the replay.


I remember the negative comments first time that the showed a driver replay where they first of all show you a full screen pre-recorded clip of the driver doing a stupid pose and folding their arms and smugly look towards the camera for 5 seconds. Where do these random percentages even get generated? They never seem accurate.


The graphics stating how much the drivers tyre is worn out is very annoying. Overtaking probability? how about just watching what actually happens – rather than cluttering the screen with pointless random computer estimations. How many other things do we simple not need? loads… I complained to nowtv about this, but it isn’t really to do with them. Now, every single drivers pit stop time gets partly covered by it, and if the driver is an Alfa Tauri driver (their pit stop time is in white text) it is sometimes close to impossible to read. It wasn’t too much of an issue until the graphics for no reason were moved to where that is. Sky and other broadcasters seem to have to have this white rectangle that is likely related to broadcast rights. I also think they have had a big lack of thought regarding the placement of the pit stop times. Having recently watched a race from over 5 years ago, you could see much more of what was going on. The amount of times the cars drive behind it is annoying. They also started showing the full second names of the drivers for a great deal of the race, which is somewhat pointless to me, as it just makes the huge bar much wider than it needs to be. They seem to feel the need to change the font every single year… First off this year they had some text on a close-to black background that was written in dark grey. It also annoys me that despite it being much bigger than before, it is somehow harder to read. That including the other current graphics take up over 20% of the screen at times and I find it simply too much. I hate how gigantic the current graphics are and this year it is an even darker shade than it used to be. I preferred it back in 2016 when they had 5 drivers at a time with a narrow discrete bar at the bottom centre of the screen.

audio overload side by side

I think formula 1 is a real mess at the moment.

Audio overload side by side